Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Over the weekend my wife and I moved into our new house. This was very fun and exciting. But as anyone who has moved all their earthly belongings from one place to another can attest, it's also VERY exhausting!

To make things more tiring we also painted the house over the weekend. It seemed like the work would never end. Now we have what feels like a thousand boxes to unpack, furniture to place and things to clean. This is tiring too but it's also kinda fun.

The difficulty is that we still have about 20% of our things still at the old apartment waiting to be brought over. So last night I went to the apartment to pack these things up and bring what I could to the new house. I can't bring much at a time because all I have is a little Chevy Cavalier. I can fit maybe three or four big boxes in the car at a time. There are about 15 or so boxes worth of stuff still in the apartment at this time, so it's going to be a long arduous process.

Last night, while I was at the apartment I called the wife to come and help me. I could tell that she really resented this process even though she didn't say much. She's a trooper and I'm proud of her biting down and doing her best to help me pack things even though she didn't feel like it.

So today after work I hope to bless her if I can. I've arranged the use of a truck with a friend at work to hopefully get everything moved today while my wife is busy at a mentoring program she works at on tuesdays. I'd love to suprise her and tell her that the apartment's empty when she gets home tonight.

Please pray that God will give me the strength and grace to get this accomplished.

Friday, February 23, 2007

First Post

Hello all, welcome to my first post on my new blog! What I hope to do here is simply keep a record of my meadering thoughts and concerns, while trying to be honest. Thus the name "Transparency"
I'm a 30 year old married male christian. I've been married less than a year and we will soon be moving into our first house! To say the least the last few months have been a growing experience for me and that's what's led to this blog.

The bible teaches that a man is supposed to lay down his life for his wife. A very daunting task but ultimately the very best thing I can do to have a sucessful marriage I believe.

Also the Word teaches that I am supposed to be the priest of my home. This to me is just as daunting! I'm not the strongest christian in the first place and now I'm to adopt the role of "Priest of my home?"

I believe that every word of the bible is true and thus God knows what he's doing putting these responsibilities on me. However I don't always know what I'm doing! Or when I do realize what I WAS doing it's too late! I've failed in my calling as a husband.

Anyway I got to thinking and realize that I can't be the only christian man struggling with these issues. I know that nobody is perfect and all fall short, so I thought it might be encouraging to other christian men if I created an online diary of my life and it's struggles. My goal here is to be transparent about my faults and mistakes so that others may hopefully see something that they can identify with. Maybe your coment can help me to be a better christian, husband, or servant. And maybe my posts will help anyone with similar struggles to not give up.
I don't know how this will all turn out in the end. Maybe in the end no one will read this. Maybe I'll bore you to death! And part of me thinks it may be arrogance on my part to think I can be of any help to anyone else. Time and God will tell me in the end though. And don't we have to make mistakes sometimes to learn how to do things right?
Anyway thanks to anyone who's spared any of their precious time to read this. Any and all comments are welcome.