Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back To The Old Drawing Board


"Do you believe in God, Brandon?"

This is the opening line to my Christian comic book. I've had the inspiration for this story for about ten years now. I've figured out most of the plot points and have them outlined in my head. As of late I've begun to write out this outline in some of my free time and send it to my friend Abel Ramirez to review.

Little did I know that by beginning to write these things out would inspire me to start drawing again for the first time in about a year! I'm a horrible procrastinator as the infrequency of my posts on this blog should attest. I haven't really completed any finished artwork to talk about since I was wed in 2006. Until now.

This is the first page of my comic and I started doing the rough pencils for page 2 last night. I'm excited and at the same time apprehensive at the same time.

This book idea has been something close to my heart for over ten years now, and every time I try to start working on it I only get a few pieces done and then run out of steam. You could say that these past failures have made me loose faith in myself to the point now that I don't really think I'll ever finish it.

I've seen many Christian comic books over the years, ranging from really good to awful. And every time I see them I feel like maybe God is calling me to make one for Him. I just don't know if it's really Him or just my own flesh telling me what I want to hear.

I guess eventually I'll find out eh? As of right now I'm once again working on the idea, and if any of you reading this are believers I ask you to pray for me that for once in my life I could actually finish the project. And that God would guide me in doing so, I want this story and artwork to be both entertaining and glorifying to Him. Even if it never sees publication I'd love to at least say that I wrote and drew this story, at least for my own satisfaction.

When, If, I finish the next page I'll post it for you. Maybe with a little more information about the specifics of my story. Please feel free to leave your comments on the art, or the idea of a Christian comic book in general.


Rain said...

I think procrastinating runs in our family LOL. I have had the erge to write for over a month now and I have not found the time to. I dont know what it is if I think my own writing sucks or if I am just afraid of the emotions and drain that it takes when doing so. It is funny you would not think doing something you like to do is so draining but it is or at least for me it is. Good luck on your page and let me know when you get it done :) Love you lots cuz talk to you soon.

Donnie said...

Oh I have to agree with you totally. Drawing or writing something that's important to me like my comic is mentally and emotionally draining.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet God-given idea! I am amazed! You are one gifted man of God and He wants to use you in this area! SO DO IT! That is my two cents! ;)