Saturday, January 12, 2008

My first post of the new year!

First off I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. As any of you who read my wife's blog already know, we went to Ohio and West Virginia for the holidays. It was lots of fun.

A lot has been going on and that's part of the reason I haven't posted. I got so busy that I just haven't spent much time on the computer lately.

First, I'm back to work! I returned to work on January 3rd. This was a great relief for Stacey and I as they were about to cancel our health insurance because I wasn't working. However, the situation at work is still sort of in limbo right now. Work is still slow and the other day I was asked would I be willing to run a machine instead of be an inspector if they kept my pay rate the same.

I told them that I was, but that I didn't like it because it feels like a step down from my current position as a Quality Inspector. Then, two day's ago, I was also asked would I be willing to fill in for the supervisor on the midnight shift for a month in February. Wierd huh? First asked to do a demoted position, immediately after offered a temporary promotion! Again I said yes, I would do it and now it's in God's hands. For the moment I'm still working as and inspector and that's just fine with me. Fortunately I like my job.

Page three of my book is almost complete and I'm beginning to ink it now. With the return to work I find it more difficult to work on my book. Now I'm so tired after work that I'm lucky to spend an hour and a half a day on it.

Finally today is my first day not SMOKING! I'm trying these new nicotine lozenges that a friend reccomended and so far they seem to be helping. The only problem is that I'm finding it hard to focus a little bit. Please keep me in prayer as I struggle to break free from this stronghold in my life.


Rain said...

Glad to hear you are back to work. I hope it all works out for you. I do have a question why have I not seen any holiday pictures posted from you or stacey?? dont tell me she did not take any cause I will not believe it. Tell her Amy said she is slacking. Well I will keep you in my prayers about smoking. It is a nasty habit and I am thankful that I convincted tim to quit and now he is 2 years smoke free :) I know you can do it cuz. Love you lots hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the smoking. I wish my sister would quit.

Anonymous said...

Lord God, I ask that you stregthen Donnie to stick with the commitment to stop smoking. I ask that you put words of encouragement and support into Stacey to help him in these next weeks of battling this habit. Let Donnie be an inspiration to others that need to quit also. Amen (amy/oaks)