First off let me just say that Stacey and I are NOT about to have a baby yet. I know that some family (You know who you are!) might read the title and jump to conclusions. I repeat, there's NO BABY on the way. Maybe someday, but not right now.
Now the reason I bring up babies is because Stacey and I have just spent the last half hour talking about possible baby names that we might like. (I think her biological clock is ticking on me folks, she's been bringing up babies all weekend.) At first we were seriously trying to find names we might like, but after about 15 minutes or so this degenerated to just plain ugly or funny names. Names such as Elmer Fudd, Brad Pitt, Optimus Prime and so on.
So even though Stacey rolled her eyes at the idea, I thought I'd put the question to you, constant reader, and see if you had any good ideas for our future children! So if you know any good ones or just plain funny ones leave them in the comments for us.

Second, today is the last day that my beautiful bride is fasting from the internet. It's been hard for her but I think she's going to make it. There were a few times I had to talk her away from the keyboard but she's holding out ok for the moment. I tell ya, this weekend it hasn't been pretty! First she was just a little crabby and I thought nothing of it. But I knew things were getting bad when my baby started getting the shakes. I later saw how ugly it could really become when I found her curled up under the computer desk in a fetal position clutching the mouse. She kept repeating, "Just my email! Just my email!" :)
Seriously though I'm VERY proud of my beautiful bride. I know the the weekend has been especially hard for her to abstain from the computer because that's her time to really unwind and just have fun. Instead, Stacey worked in the front yard with me helping to remove some particularly ugly bushes that she's hated since we moved in here.
However I think Geo was right when he said that I might not get the computer for a month when she goes back online. She just told me that if she even wakes up in the middle of the night tonight that she IS going to check her email! More power to ya sweetie.
And finally I have to mention Transformers. (GASP! Who'd a thunk it!? Me, talking about Transformers?!) Yep it's true, as I read someone else on the net refer to them as "plastic crack". I think it's totally true I just wish that I had thought of it first!
So, last night I was on my favorite Transformers web site and I found out there was going to be a comic and toy convention right here near my house! At first I said that I wouldn't go because I'd bought so many toys the last week or two. But this morning I just couldn't help myself so I hopped in the car and raced to the show!
I spent WAY too much money and after the beating that my wife gave me I'll be lucky if I'm walking again by Christmas! But I'd have to say that the collector in me thinks that it was well worth it. I got several figures that I'd been wanting for a long time.
While I was at the show I ran into a friend I know from Ypsilanti who works at a comic shop. We always talk Transformers when I go to buy my comics and he had his own table at the show selling his extra figures.
To my surprise he gave me an awesome deal on a rare Transformer figure that I never expected to get. It's name is Ratbat. It's very hard to find this guy intact because he's so delicate and the "ears" of the figure are almost always missing when I see it on eBay. But my buddy sold the figure to me for a fraction of what I'd have had to pay on eBay. To tell the truth he sold it to me cheaper than I could get it from ANYWHERE I think.
This now raises the count of figures to 267 folks! So needless to say I came home broke but a very happy geek-boy. Ahem, geek-man. :)
LOL I am shocked you can even type I would have thought Stacey would have killed you and lined the Transformers around your body and said they did it LMAO. I was thinking about baby names and Really I could not think of any funny ones but I always like names that can have nick names, so I think a cute Girl name is Jessica cause you can call her Jess, Or I like boy names that you can use there Intials as a Nick Name like DJ, Or CJ, thinks like that so how about mizing your name up and calling Him Donnie James then you can call him DJ LOL JK I would not like that name if I was a boy What were some of the serious names you guys thought of??
OH yeah ask Stacey whats up?????? She has been Fasting all week and so have I so why hasnt she blogged yet?? it is 1:07pm on monday and she still has not posted anything is she ok????????????????????
Hehehe! Are you curled up in a fetal position because of withdrawal? lol!
Some of the names that we liked for girls are Penelope, Isabella, the only boy name I can remember was Samuel.
Well Isabella is Tims youngest daughters name but I do like it cause I like the idea of a nick name of IZZY like off Greys anatomy, And Samuel is cool cause he could be called Sam :) see I am a nickname person cause I never had one Amy just is Amy nothing else really kinda sucks LOL and yes I am gonna cry cause still not post from Stacey LOL I seen she commented on my frames but Nothing new on her end tell her I said hey now the Fast is over Get to Work LOL
First off you do have a nickname, Amerdoodles! :P Second, Stacey tried to blog and blogger messed up on her and she lost what she wrote! So she got mad and quit till tomorrow. Third Stacey said that you DO have a nickname, it's Ams pronounced "aims".
anne marie sounds like a perfect name for your baby girl! :)
tell stacey that we miss her posts. i am going through some stacey-withdrawal!
LoL yeah right I hate my name but another name I like is RAIN it has not nickname but it is different I actually read the book by V.C. Andrews and a girl in there was named Rain and that is why I took that for my Pogo Screen name then Email so that is a cute but Different name :) And tell stacey Ok I forgive her for keeping us waiting longer stupid blogger is the reason not her :)
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